PHIL 1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Friedrich Nietzsche, Epicurus, The Examined Life

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15 May 2017

Document Summary

Socrates did try to show the jury that the charges against him were false, he did nothing to try to win their sympathy or plead for their mercy. Socrates makes it clear that sticking to his own moral principles is more important to him than proposing the sort of punishment that would allow him to escape his trial with his life. The good person cannot be harmed in life either. Life does have a purpose, someone who does not examine their lives will not find that purpose, and so someone who does not examine their lives will not have a life that is worth living. Epictetus focused more on ethics: we ought not to lie, remove aversion from all things that are not in our control, and transfer it to things contrary to . We should only fear that which causes us to suffer: 2. Everyone is either alive or dead: 3.