ORGS 2010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Resource Allocation, Performance Measurement, Human Capital

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Document Summary

Good: allows specialization, easy to transfer resources, can create separate alignment system. Bad: longer response rate, everyone does own thing, lack of cross specialization, bad communication: market based. Good: allows for focusing on customer base. Bad: everyone is doing their own thing, can cause competition, lack of collective interest: output/input. Good: allows for everyone to collectively work towards the same result, transperancy. Bad: makes it hard to share resources, duplication of activities: matrix. Good: projects have two people to report to, more information, makes it easier to get different skills from the two dimensions, more cooperation. Bad: complicated system, some dimensions get more power than other dimension: front/back structure. Good: one part of org focuses on customers, one part focuses on creating product interdependent system. Bad: high need for collaboration, interdependence will not work if cannot communicate properly. Planning process creating goals, schedules, etc.