NATS 1870 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hydrogen Peroxide, Cyan, Dye

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Explain the following color organizing systems: nd: newton"s color wheel: - 7 primaries. Concluded that color is a property of light not objects. Did an experiment: sending white light through prism, white light breaks into component colors, placed the second prism in the light beam which combined all the colors back to white. Concluded from experiment that white was a composite of the colors. Constructed a color wheel with these colors: maxwell"s color triangle: Organized color in a way that"s more meaningful on how we actually see color unlike newton"s color wheel. Response of r, g, b cones is embedded in the triangle for additive colors. Realized that every color could be represented by a mathematical equation. Color = fraction of red + fraction of blue + fraction of green. The system can explain and predict additive mixtures. Any mixed color must lie on that line.