NATS 1775 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Industrial Revolution, Scientific Theory, Woodworking

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Part 1: multiple choice questions (total: 30 questions: one of the features of industrial revolution was an increase in energy consumption. In lecture we discussed how many women made an independent living spinning and weaving cotton in their homes. Yet during industrialization, such women soon lost their independence and made their way into the factory system. What factors contributed to this phenomenon: women were getting tired of working at home and could make more. What did colonialism help to provide to many european nations like britain: colonies provided a place to sell finished products, colonies were a good source of raw material, colonies provided healthy competition for the homenation. 11. what made manchester such a good place for cotton manufacturing: damp air, goof canal systems, a and b, none of the above. 13. colonialism in the 19th century was often justified for a number of reasons.