NATS 1775 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mass Production, Arpanet, Genetic Testing

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Short answer questions 3 questions (each worth 8 marks =24 marks total) Science, technology and wwi: general considerations, attitudes toward science and technology was mixed, some were viewed negatively and positively. For example, british and french views machine gun as unfair. They believed that machine gun had no place in battle. It will take a long time until this attitude can change: technology machine gun hated because technology challenged many traditional ideas about fighting. This means that same strategies were successful and others not: chemical warfare, poisonous gas was introduced during war, associated with issue of ethical, unmoral, poisonous gas, chlorine, mustard gas was first developed and used by germans in. It took them long time to use it because fire machine gun, many german leaders at the time found the use of poisons gas as unfair way to attack their enemy: tanks. Developed by great britain because army did not want to work on innovation.