NATS 1760 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ebola Virus Disease, Daniel Kahneman, Relate

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Relate to mnookin, kahneman claim is not always a good idea to trust your instincts when it comes to risk. The 3 biases behind the illusion of cause: seeing pattern in randomness, humans are evolved to become good at pattern detection. Peter watts is a toronto sci fi author. his analogy: 1, hominid thought he saw a lion in the bushes, ran away, there was no one, so saved his life. 2, hominid thought he saw a lion in bushes, there wasn"t one, so false alarm. 3, hominid thought he saw a lion in the bushes, ignored it, there was one, he got eaton. Our visual system evolved to become very sensitive to patterns important to us. ex; patterns of the bread, finding your child in a crowd, lions in the bushes. (randomness) We can sometimes see patterns where none exist, or we take wrong meaning when they do like the shapes of the clouds or the bread.