NATS 1745 Study Guide - Final Guide: June Solstice, Heel Stone, Newgrange

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In ireland"s boyne valley, built around 3200 bc: the stone-lined corrdor faces southeast so the rising sun shines directly up the long passage on midwinter"s day, newgrange"s roofbox is aligned with the winter solstice sunrise. Dec 21st: on this day at sunrise, a beam of light will hit the roofbox and the light gradually illuminates the floor of the stone passageway. As the sun gets higher and higher in the sky, the beam gets longer and longer and travels further down the passage way. Describe what happens at stonehenge on this day: there are links of stonehenge of the rising and setting sun and moon/solar and. Whereas 5 thousand years ago, the rising solstice sun was seen beside the heel stone, to the left of it: if there were initially two heel stones, the summer solstice sunrise would be seen between them. The arrangement of stonehenge makes it clear that the stones were meant to frame things, not block things.