NATS 1745 Study Guide - Final Guide: Edmond Halley, History Of Longitude, Inverse-Square Law

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Descartes thought there was invisible fluid (ether) in between the planets. To say that gravity is universal, it means that it (gravity) causes motion on earth and in space. Gravitational attraction increases with proximity to its source. Example: the closer a body is to earth, the stronger earth"s pull on it. Earth"s gravity holds it together, and also keeps the moon in orbit. gravity increases as you get closer to the source. Newton invented calculus, which can explain how a planet moves at any given time. Newton found that the 1st prism turned sunlight into a rainbow and the 2 prism recombines the colors back to the original white sunlight. Chromatic aberration is the failure of lens to focus all the colors in a light rays at the same point. To say that gravity obeys an inverse-square law, it means the strength of gravity of a source is inversely proportional to the square distance from that source.