NATS 1745- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 57 pages long!)

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Part 1: ancient sites with solar alignments: the moon sets west-ward, the stars move in a circle the way way everyday, study of the archeological evidence of prehistoric sites: archeoastronomy, newgrange, ireland, sundagger, new mxico, stonehenge, southwest england. Part 2: daily and annual cycle of the sun. In the southern hemisphere"s pov, the sun is tilted towards the north: the sun spends more time on the north side of the sky, from the south pole you have to face the north to experience the sun. 6 straight months of 24 hour darkness/daylight: suns daily path is always horizontal w/ the horizon on everyday of the year the sun is either above the horizon for. Part 5: the motion of the sky: as earth spins daily around its polar axis, the stars appear to rotate around the ncp and. If we"re located at the equator, then polaris has an altitude of 0 degrees, then we have a latitude of.