NATS 1745- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 186 pages long!)

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Exams will be written at york but there are required readings from 2 different text books but we don"t have to buy them just find them online. Course divided into 3 separate sections term 1 term 2 term 3. Weekly quiz (15 mins to complete, mult choice) What do we see in the night sky. Ancient people observed the sky with the (cid:1441)naked eye(cid:1442) no telescope. Sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn. Connected to days of week (spanish miercoles = mercury, etc) Gave rise to the significance of the number 7 in ancient cultures. As the earth rotates, the stars appear to move across the sky over time. Understanding the motions of objects in the sky is key for understanding the cosmos. Responsible for driving astronomical knowledge and scientific revolutions throughout history. We today know the reasons for the motions in the sky, but ancient ppl didnt.