NATS 1700 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cyberterrorism, Turing Test, Luddite

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Framing your answer and knowing information for your argument. 85% of video games today have some kind of violence. Question: why are people still unconvinced that playing video games is linked to violence when you have all this data linking video game use to increased aggression and/or desensitization. Unconvinced that the data from these studies can be applied to the real world. Hawthorne effect: people may work hard and perform better on certain tasks when they know they are being observed; claims about videos games being positive can be invalid as well. Selective exposure: favoring information that supports your point of view and finding it more convincing than research that does not match your beliefs. Question: i play violent video games all the ti(cid:373)e a(cid:374)d i"(cid:448)e (cid:374)e(cid:448)e(cid:396) (cid:272)o(cid:373)(cid:373)itted a(cid:374)(cid:455) (cid:272)(cid:396)i(cid:373)es. Certain individuals may be more susceptible to violent video game exposure than others.