[NATS 1670] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (58 pages long!)

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Eventually lead to lack of the coagulating factors. Hiv made its way through drug type. Dr. gottlieb office at ucla medical center. Caused by fungi, a type of yeast. There were only two cases of pcp in immunocompromised patients. 1981, la 5 cases of pcp. Early 1970s 5 cases/yr of kaposi"s sarcoma (ks) 1981 26 cases of kaposi"s sarcoma. Original name of disease: gay-related immune deficiency (grid) Other ways of getting a similar syndrome. Female sex partners of aids-positive, iv drug users and hemophiliacs. About 1. 9 million new cases of hiv infection per year. 23 million people are infected right now with hiv. Several countries in sub-saharan africa report infection rates of 20-35% Aids/hiv in western countries the united states as an example. Over 1 million people have diagnosed with aids s usa since 1981. An estimated 1. 3 million in the us are infected with hiv. ~27% undiagnosed and unaware of their hiv infection.