NATS 1610 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Muscular System, Reproductive System, Homeostasis

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Coordination and regulation of body and body systems. Circulatory: carries material from one part of the body to another. Digestive: breaks down food into smaller molecules that can be distributed to body cells; transfers water and electrolytes from external environment; eliminates undigested food to external environment in feces. Respiratory: gets o2 from and eliminates co2 to the external environment; important in maintaining proper ph in internal environment. Urinary: removes excess water, salt, acid, and other electrolytes from plasma eliminates them in urine. Skeletal: provides support & protection for soft tissues & organs; serves as storage reservoir for calcium; along with muscular system enables movement of body & its parts; bone marrow is source of all blood cells. Integumentary: outer body protective barrier; help regulate body temperature. Immune: defends against foreign microorganisms & against cancerous body cells; prepares for cell repair &/or replacement.