NATS 1610 Study Guide - Final Guide: Recombinant Dna, Insulin, Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

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Cell size is limited, cannot grow indefinitely. All cells in the body are somatic cells besides gametes: sperm, egg. Interphase (preparation stage: make proteins, copies organelles and chromosomes. Division stage (mitosis and cytokinesis: nuclear division, division of the cytoplasm. Interphase (before mitosis: before replication the chromosome consists of one chromatid, after replication chromosomes consist of 2 identical chromatids attached at the centromere. One chromosome made out of 2 dna molecule. S-phase- cell synthesize replica of genome and producing identical sister chromatids. G2-phase- second growth phase, prep for mitosis. M-phase- sister chromatids pull apart by microtubules. Prophase: chromosomes become coiled, mitotic spindle forms, cell pole formation. Prometaphase: nuclear membrane breaks down, microtubules capture chromosomes and begin to move them towards the cells equator. Metaphase: chromosomes lined up at equator. Anaphase: sister chromatids separate, microtubules pull chromosomes to poles. Telophase: nuclear envelopes form, chromosomes stretch out, spindle breaks down.