NATS 1585 Study Guide - Final Guide: Scientific Modelling, Scientific American, Many-Worlds Interpretation

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The notion of multiverses consists of four perspectives, the scientific perspective, the philosophical perspective, the theological perspective, and the. All four perspectives are unique in their own way, i. e. the theological perspective uses faith and does not consider laws of logic and is understood from the understanding of faith. However the scientific perspective uses the laws of logic and nature to understand the concept of multiverses and uses evidence to create a potential scientific model. The scientific perspective: using the laws of logic and nature1, understands the concept of multiverses. Even though the scientific perspective does not have much evidence; the potential model1 can exist due to the possibility of being able to see further away in the future. The philosophical perspective: using the laws of logic that are resulting from our five senses1. This perspective unlike the scientific does not require evidence1.