NATS 1570- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 12 pages long!)

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Chapter 1 review: contrast the geocentric and heliocentric universe concepts. Ecliptic: the eight planets orbit the sun in the same direction and more or less in the same plane. Pluto was not considered as a planet because it did not fit into the modern definition of a planet. The modern definition of the planet is: explain the expanding universe theory. Expanding universe theory; edwin hubble was searching for distant galaxies, but then he discovered the motion of the galaxies by studying the characteristics of the light emitted by the galaxies. They found that all distant galaxies were moving away from earth at any direction. The further away the galaxy lies the faster its moving away. This meant that the volume of the universe was increasing. The big bang is an explosion of al matter and energy which is where the universe began.