MUSI 1500 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Zeenat Aman, Anil Kapoor, Disjecta

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19 May 2016

Document Summary

Bombay films: the cinema as metaphor for indian society and politics. Art and life have seemed to be emerged. Cinema can be seen as metaphor of society because philosophies, social values an, group behavior and speech are reflected in the media and reflect back like a mirror > this help us to understand society better. The media and films have effect on whole south asia as big brother. The impact it has on neighbours (like pakistan) and its media and society. Films not just depict vulgarity but insights of social situation and popular beliefs. Arguments are based on hit or popular films and songs are sung by generations as idioms. Bombay largest film subject followed by calcutta and madras in india. In bombay: english drama and poetry (20th centuty) The demons, avatars, gods and spirits of three thousand years of indian mythology blended and pushed with contemporary-western, marxist ideas. Eclecticism and syncretism are the dynamics of the indian cinema.