MODR 1770 Study Guide - Final Guide: The Slippery Slope, Liberal Democracy, Classical Liberalism

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6 freedom of expression: some classical arguments . You should have a good sense by now that the world is awash in propaganda, and that this propaganda is often harmful. In some countries, there are laws against hate propaganda or hate speech" and obscenity" including pornography. Focus of this chapter is on the ethical question of when controls on expression" are justified. Let"s start with the english poet and intellectual, john milton (1608-74) back to defenders of free speech such as john milton, john locke, voltaire, rousseau, Mill, and others. these. various values, such as: truth, self-fulfillment, autonomy, democracy, striking community, avoidance of the slippery slope to tyranny, and, more recently, self- The argument, simply put, is that government censorship and control over publications will stifle the educational and learning process and that a free marketplace of ideas and discussion will ultimately reveal what"s true and what"s not.