MATH 1505 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ap Psychology, Prenatal Development, Placenta

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Green - important people & contributions: development sequence of age-related changes that occur as a person progresses from. Behaviors and abilities: different cultures develop specific motor skills faster, differences on temperament, temperament characteristic mood, activity level, and emotional reactivity, longitudinal design study one group of participants repeatedly over a. Period of time: cross-sectional design study compare groups of participants of differing. Jerome kagen temperament at childhood can change over a lifetime. iv: attachment, attachment close emotional bonds of affection that develop between. Infants and their caregivers: separation anxiety emotional distress seen in many infants which happens when they are separated from people who they have formed an attachment with, harry harlow attachment happens because the mother becomes a. Conditioned reinforcer. : attachment patterns, secure attachment use mother as secure base to venture out, resistant attachment anxious when mother is present or leaves, avoidant attachment child doesn"t care when mother leaves or is.