MATH 1505 Study Guide - Working Memory, Afterimage, Eric Kandel

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Green - important people & contributions: memory. Memory for personal events-episodic memory(allows human time travel) 3 key processes: encoding forming memory code, storage maintaining encoded information in memory over time, retrieval recovering information from memory stores. Early-selection models propose that input is filtered before meaning is processed. Late-selection models hold that filtering occurs after the processing of meaning. Input: levels-of-processing theory proposes that deeper levels of processing result in longer-lasting memory codes. The key hypothesis was that retention of the stimulus words would increase as subjects moved from structural to phonemic to semantic encoding. While the theory is not without its critics, the hypothesis that deeper processing leads to enhanced memory has been replicated in many studies (koriat & melkman, 1987; lockhart & craik, 1990): deeper processing leads to enhanced memory, enriching encoding. Semantic encoding can often be enhanced through a process called elaboration: elaboration linking a stimulus to other information at the time of encoding.