MATH 1013 Final: MATH1013 Final Exam 2009 Fall

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No aid (e. g. calculator, written notes) is allowed. In all questions it is essential to explain your reasoning and to provide details of the intermediate steps taken in reaching your answers. Answers are to be written in this question book. If you need extra space for your answers use the backs of pages, but clearly indicate which answer is which! Make sure to write your name and student number on the paper. Students will not be allowed to leave during the final 15 minutes of the examination period in order to avoid disruption to those continuing to work on the paper. 2 (in radians) sin-1(- (in radians) cos-1(cos(2)). cos(cos-1(2)). Evaluate exact values of the following quantities, if they exist. Find each of the following limits or indicate that it does not exist. If the limit does not exist clearly explain why not. lim x 0 lim x 3 cos x 1 (tan x)2 x 3.