KINE 4420 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bodymind, Teddy Bear, Eustress

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Document Summary

Self regulation: maintenance of the healthy, natural body/mind. Learned self regulation: methods used to return one to the natural state when disregulation is experienced. Pathology: state when organs or systems malfunction or die caused by extreme disregulation. Help person to become more connected with their bodily sensations. Unease: person knows they are stressed from demands of a situation. Disease: system is starting to breakdown with stress related disorders. Awareness blunting process: less effective coping strategies, high levels of chronic stress become normal and acceptable. Catch 22: less reserve capacity to adapt to events but uses up the reserve capacity faster by reacting to more things and to a greater degree (kindling effect) Uses of lsr: free up energy for other purposes, Behaviour change easier to make and maintain. Systems theory of s-r: blodd pressure regulates like a furnace; negative feedback loop. Self regulation is a continuing process not a state, it requires constant adjustment to internal and external demands.