KINE 3360- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 12 pages long!)

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Insecurity of white males sole purpose of proving that a white man is better than negro determined not to take a chance of losing the championship to a negro. For two years jeffries refused to fight johnson and retired, johnson defeated. A black man was crowned the most powerful man in the world. The white press asked jeffries to return to the ring and fight johnson: realm of sport was discussed, jack johnson challenged jeffries (heavyweight champion) to fight. Said (cid:498)when there are no white men left to fight, i will quit the business, i am. Jeffries was regarded as (cid:498)hope of the white race(cid:499)/ johnson as (cid:498)negroes". It had been believed that the most strong men was also the most intelligent/ blacks could govern themselves after twenty rounds. Jeffries became outraged and johnson won the boxing match powerful and virile man. the story of whole society. company of white women.