KINE 3000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Extraversion And Introversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness

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Personality the pattern of psychological characteristics that makes a person unique. How participation influences your self-efficacy, confidence, locus of control etc. Traits are a certain set of characteristics that are highly stable and constant that exert whidly generalized causal effects of behaviours. Extroversion how social and outgoing you are. Openness how willing you are to seek new experiences. Agreeableness how you are able to get along with others kind, friendly, optimistic. Conscientiousness how careful and valiant you are organized, detail oriented, wanting to do your best. Neuroticism how negative you are frustrated, angry, anxious etc. Trait theories look at how consistent your behaviour is based on the level/ amount of each trait your personality is made up of and how generalizable it is how we can apply the behaviour to different contexts. Although we are not a set of fixed traits, the amount of each trait is varied based on situation.