KINE 3000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Catastrophe Theory

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Arousal a state of physiological and psychological activation. Has a wide range from deep sleep to highly active. Anxiety a multi-dimensional state of negative feelings. Universal - in all cultures and races. Increased heart rate, sweat, blood pressure, muscle tension. A person"s predisposition to view a certain situation as threatening. A moment to moment change in feelings. Intensity of symptoms amount or level of symptoms. Frequency of cognitive intrusions amount of time that thoughts about competition come in your mind. Directional interpretation of symptoms positive thoughts or negative. A study was conducted on over 20,000 adults on their perception of stress on effecting health and how that influenced their mortality keller et al. People who had high stress and though of stress as bad for health had a 43% increased risk of early mortality. People who had high stress and did not see stress as bad for health were amongst the least to die early.