KINE 2050- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 62 pages long!)

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Kine 1020 review those components of fitness that allow you to do activities of daily living. Things you need just to live your life. Performance related fitness those components of fitness that enable optimal work or sport performance. Optimize your ability to do sports, anything that can improve your vo2 max, allow you to run a bit faster. Canada has a government sponsored public plan (ohip) Available to all citizens that covers almost all elements of health care. United states offers some government sponsored programs, but majority buy private healthcare through their employer. Precede-proceed model -> model for health promotion, planning and evaluation. Proceed = doing it and figuring out if it works (implementation and evaluation) Starting point is figuring out problem trying to cure. Figure out the social, behavior, environmental, epidemiological factors, what the problem is, when implementing phase 1 (social diagnosis) Identify the things you"re going to need to solve the problem, education, skills and.