KINE 2031 Study Guide - Final Guide: Blood Vessel, Epicondyle, Lymphatic System

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Function: sensory input (sensory receptors throughout the body which detect external and internal change), integration (processes sensory input and decides if response required), motor output (if response required, the nervous system sends motor messages to respond to stimulus) Central nervous system (brain + spinal cord), neurons in cns: sensory, motor, interneuron (connectors) integration component, decision making center * Peripheral nervous system (cranial nerves + spinal nerves+ ganglia), divided into two types of neurons: Sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) relaying signals * Sensory: receives information from receptors and transmits the information to central nervous system, divided into: somatic sensory (of the body, e. g. touch, pain, pressure) and visceral sensory (internal organs, e. g. blood vessels, digestive organs, respiratory organs) Side note: visceral sensory system does not reach conscious until the visceral sensory signals are strong enough (eating heavily stretches stomach and causes pain and reached conscious)