KINE 2011 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cholesterol, Neutrophil, Exercise Physiology

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Document Summary

Human physiology study of the functions of our body. Exercise physiology the structures and functions of our bodies are altered when exposed to both acute and chronic sessions of exercise. Teleological approach explains body functions in terms of meeting a bodily nee, explains why or purpose of body processes. Anatomy the study of structure of the body. Atoms are the smallest building blocks of all nonliving and living matter. Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen 99% The cell the basic or fundamental unit of both structure and function: the smallest unit of life. Plasma membrane: thin, oily barrier, encloses the contents of the cell, control movements. Independent living: single celled bacteria and amoebas, complex humans. Cell differentiation body is made up of many different specialized types of cells. Basic cell function: food and oxygen, provide energy, remove co2 and waste, synthesize proteins, control exchange of material, moving materials, cell activities, respond to change, reproducing for most cells (not nerve or muscle)