ITEC 2600 Final: Summary of Characters, Commands, and Functions (Final Exam Study Guide)

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Document Summary

Command sqrt (x) nthroot(x , n) exp (x) abs (x) log (x) factorial (x) sin (x) cos (x) tan (x) sind (x) cosd (x) tand (x) round (x) Nth real root ex absolute value natural log (base e) x! sine (x in radians) cosine (x in radians) tangent (x in radians) sine (x in degrees) cosine (x in degrees) tangent (x in degrees) 2: the term array is used in matlab to refer generically to a matrix or a vector. A scalar is an even more special case; it is 1 x 1, or in other words, just a single value. Direct method: put the values you want in square brackets, separated by either commas or spaces: >> v = [1 2 3 4] v = Colon operator: iterates through values in the form first : step : last. 4 : -1 : 1 creates [4 3 2 1]