HUMA 1970 Study Guide - Final Guide: Child Mortality, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky

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Child a child is a human being in the early stages of its life-course. Childhood - the early part of the life course. Boundary is not dissolving, just changing with society . Children are consumers from the day they are born . Viewed development not as something that happened within the child. Social consruction - a theoretical perspective that explores the ways in which. Competence ability/ capacity/ qualification to perform a task/ meet requirements of a role at an acceptable standard. Uncrc an international convention, adopted almost around the world that defines the rights of almost every child anywhere, regardless of race, creed or culture. Minority group status usually associated with immigrants/ ethnicity/ culture/ religious. Jesse and leslie create a world that they escape to called. Jesse and leslie have a friendship that allows them to grow and mature. Leslie passes away in an unexpected way leaving jesse to question his beliefs and life all together.