[HUMA 1970] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (55 pages long)

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In 1951, henrietta lacks had not given consent for her biopsied cells to be used for any purpose other than diagnosis of her disease. Nor was her family ever informed about the continuing scientific use of these unique cells and the immense value that they provided to medicine as remarkable research tools. The treatment of henrietta and her children reveals an unpleasant aspect of medicine in the us, where african americans were routinely used until relatively recently as the subjects of highly unpleasant sets of experiments. H. l accomplished so much for the science realm without even being alive to realize it, for example the success of her cells heralded a new form of medical technology which enabled scientists to study human cells in vitro. Henrietta"s were different: they reproduced an entire generation every 24 hours, and they never stopped, writes rebecca. Skloot, a science journalist, in her new book the immortal life of henrietta lacks.