HUMA 1910 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sidereus Nuncius, Robert Fitzroy, Samuel Pepys

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This quiz focuses upon your understanding of the lectures, readings and tutorial discussions from september 19 to october 3. Answering the questions and reviewing your answers in tutorials this week will also provide you with the background needed for reading galileo"s letter to the grand duchess christina. Quiz #2: identify and comment on the significance of the following quotation (3 points). Use point form: everything is softer in starlight, we can fix our eyes more comfortably on the heavens; our thoughts are freer because we"re so foolish as to imagine ourselves the only ones abroad to dream. Rene descartes/ samuel pepys/ marquise/ giordano bruno/ robert fitzroy: link up columns correctly (4 points) Worlds: explain and give the significance of one of the following metaphors from. 1. provide two main characteristics of the enlightenment (2). 2. what are the main differences between theism and deism and atheism? (3: identify two details of the iconography of this image as discussed in lecture. (2)