HUMA 1846 Quiz: Retelling of the Ramayana

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Kaikeyi banged her head against the wall demanding her husband (also king; of two other wives) to fulfill his promise. Since he was of the raghu clan, he had to keep his promise: she wanted him to let ram be sent to the forest (for 14 years, she also wanted bharata to be made king of ayodhya. Manthara was sent to ask for ram. Ram agreed to flee to the forest as soon as he could to allow his brother. Bharata to take throne: he is not attached to ayodhya which is why he can let go of it so easily; Upholds royal reputation by following rules and not his heart. His decisions are based solely on the model of social behaviour expected of a prince and not his emotions shows wisdom. Lakshman and sita wanted to join ram on his exile.