HUMA 1846 Quiz: Jataka Tales from Buddhist Birth Stories

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Jataka book- fairy tales, parables, fables, riddles, and comic and moral stories. Western and buddhist stories are alike because western stories were borrowed from buddhist ones. Buddha was born in peasant family tiling floors for a living. Hawker had an ass who carried stuff for him, and he placed lions skin on him. When towns people, with the help of the buddha found out it was an ass, so that people would be afraid of it they beat it until it died. Bramha-datta was born in a minister"s family and became king"s advisor. An analogy to of the king is made to a tortoise who both talk too much. One day two ducks said they will help the tortoise to the hills if he put a stick. However, the tortoise started talking in mid-air and fell in the kings land and in his mouth, they would carry it broke into two. Bodisat comes to life as a tree-fairy.