HUMA 1250 Study Guide - Final Guide: The Jade Peony, Rohinton Mistry, Cyril Dabydeen

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Part 1 (1-2 paragraphs): offer a close reading of the selected passage, pay attention to details within passage itself, link passage to broader themes/issues. Story within a story : rohinton mistry, squatter : The main theme of this story is the struggles of an immigrant and their experiences when moving to a new culture. Sarosh feels that canadians would like him to conform. Canadians feel that we are a multi cultural society, the author is trying to show us that we still have our biasses. Not fully canadian, but not fully indian any more either: sunera thobani, exalted subjects , cyril dabydeen, snorri thorfinnsonn , fred wah, diamond grill : Jook-liang and wong-suk, a deformed elderly man from china, displayed a touching relationship in part one of the jade peony. Jook-liang referred to wong-suk as the old man or monkey .