HRM 3490 Study Guide - Final Guide: Merit System, Measuring Instrument, Profit Sharing

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Document Summary

Chapter 7: a detailed examination of the job evaluation process. Jon analysis: the process of collecting information on which job descriptions are based. Job description: a summary of the duties, responsibilities, and reporting relationships pertaining to a particular job. Job specifications: the employee qualifications deemed necessary to successfully perform the duties for a given job. Some indication of the proportion of time spent on each duty may be useful, although this may not be feasible for some jobs. The consequences of error or poor performance could also be explained. Methods of job analysis ***do not need to know in detail*** Observation: watching the employee as the job performed and noting the kinds of activities performed, with whom they are performed, and with what tools or equipment. Used for jobs with short cycles (where all activities of job occur in a short time frame) Interviews: conducted with a sample of employees, or their supervisors or both.