HRM 3400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Product Stewardship, Parks Canada, Smog

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Document Summary

Class 7: after mid term: act: federal, provincial, or territorial law that constitutes the basic regulatory mechanism for health and safety. Does not have to be passed by legislative assembly. Regulations cover substances, whmis, etc: guidelines and policies: specific rules that are not legally enforceable unless listed in an act or regulation, standards and codes: guides established by agencies like canadian standards association and. These are not enforceable unless legislation refers to it. Common elements among all canadian occupational health legislation: an act, powers of enforcement, the rights of workers to refuse to do unsafe work, protection of workers from reprisals, duties and responsibilities assigned to key stakeholders. New approach to occupational health and safety in ontario. Four fundamental principles: workplace self-reliance in oh&s should be enhanced, strong partnership forged with the cooperation of the major players in oh&s, encouragement of oh&s best practices, effective enforcement. Ontario"s occupational health and safety act and regulations for industrial establishments.