HRM 2600 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Job Analysis, Performance Improvement, Performance Appraisal

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Employee profile- a profile of a worker developed by studying an organizations top performers to recruit similar types of people. Recruiting process outsourcing (rpo) the practice of outsourcing an organizations recruiting function to an outside firm. Internal labour market- a labour market in which workers are hired into entry level jobs and higher levels are filled from within. Global sourcing- the business practice of searching for and utilizing goods and services from around the world. Branding- a company"s efforts to help existing and prospective workers understand why it is a desirable place to work. 9 box grid- a diagram that allows managers to easily see an employees actual and potential performance. Passive job seekers- people who aren"t looking for jobs but can be persuaded to take new ones at the given opportunity. Nepotism- a preference for hiring relatives of current employees.