[HREQ 1040] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (48 pages long)

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Consists of norms at the macro/microsocial level that are enforced by those in power; hegemonic views (dominant) Not recognized as something that is constructed or built; rather it is seen as natural. Patriarchy, gender roles, concept of masculinity and femininity, gender bathrooms- constructed by those in authoritative positions and ingrained by the mass; also rejected. A system of power that governs aspects of society + individuals at the micro/macrosocial level without elective confirmation. Designed to increase efficiency but is often corrupt, disorganized, and inefficient. Government officials using our tax dollars to buy personal luxuries, universities, urban municipalities, immigration processes. An agreement that affects a large number of individuals" behaviours. Deliberate form of social control or an unconscious set of rules. Born into the system; we don"t always have the power to opt out or we can but there are consequences. May also be a catalyst for positive change --> social action, protest, revolt.