HLST 2040 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ehealth Exchange, Health Informatics, Electronic Health Record

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Health informatics is the application of information and communications technologies (ict) to healthcare settings. Ehr integrated patient record containing data from health practitioners, hospitals, clinics and labs. Emr record in a physician"s practice management system. Phr health record that can be accessed by or on behalf of the patient. The diagram illustrates that there is much more data than knowledge or wisdom. Data requires context to give it meaning, e. g. 37 oc could be a normal body temperature or an abnormally warm day in toronto in january. Data: one tomato, one cantaloupe, three pears and a peach. Knowledge: these are types of all fruit. Intelligence: adding tomatoes to salads is a good source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Wisdom: not putting a tomato in a fruit salad. Health information technology (hit) provides the tools to give people the information that they need to gain knowledge and create wisdom. Different levels of data (refer to image above)