HLST 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Reality, Post-Structuralism, Socalled

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Chapter 10: cracks in the foundation: the origins & development of the canadian and. In 1945, prime minister william lyon mackenzie king introduced his plan for national health insurance, and president harry truman presented a plan for universal health insurance, both plans failed. In 1957, canada came out with the hospital and diagnostic service act, which made coverage of hospital services more readily available. In 1961, premier tommy douglas, introduced medical insurance plan in the province of. Canadian counterpart health service organization (hso), initially proposed to provide integrated care at lower cost. In academic hospitals, alternate payment plan which pays doctors on a per patient basis based on a formula worked out with the ministry. In community hospitals most doctors are still on fee for service: private practice, group practice, community health centres. The experimental group consists of individuals with a disease or particular outcome of interest.