GEOG 1410 Study Guide - Final Guide: Urban Area, Manuel Castells, Urban History

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Document Summary

City as a : cultural theatre, place of innovation, place of social networking. Urban areas are important: places for human living, for making a living. In the human relationship with the environment (2 tonnes/person 1850 25 tonnes/person 1960) Cities are places where labour, capital, raw materials, production, markets can be set into operation: decision-making: Cities are control points in government and economy, and they govern the decisions made in smaller centres and rural areas: generative: Cities generate innovation, information, change, new trends and patterns: transformative: Cities provide the critical mass for ethnic variety, specialised lifestyles, behaviours. Emergence of cities: from hunter-gatherer societies agricultural settlements unequal accumulations of wealth emergence of the city, first cities emerge in the cultural hearths of agriculture: Transition from agricultural societies to urban life. Organization of a state/empire: early civilizations were vulnerable, unstable (the harrapan civilization, the mayan.