FREN 3051- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 70 pages long!)

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Faux amis, or false friends, can trick you into making mistakes because they look like certain. English words, but have an entirely different meaning in french. In many instances, despite having the same or similar spellings, the words in english and french can even be different parts of speech. Beware of the tricky faux amis in table 1. Articles small words typically classified as adjectives generally (but not always) indicate the gender and number of the noun or pronoun that follows. For this reason, articles are often referred to as (cid:1688)noun markers. (cid:1689) the table below shows the articles that are used in french. Use ce ( cet) or cette to express this or that item and use ces to express these or. Those. use the tags ci (here) or l (there) to be even more specific: Je pr f re ce pain ci. (i prefer this bread. : donnez moi ces pains l . (give me those breads. )