EN 3636- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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6 Oct 2017

Document Summary

The doctrine that things have an essence or ideal nature that is independent of and prior to their existence. Universal childhood: that which applies across regional, national, racial differences, especially though education. Bildungsroman: a kind of novel that follows the development of the hero or heroine from childhood or adolescence into adulthood, through a troubled quest for identity. A formal written work that deals with a subject systemically and usually extensively. Increased interest in humanism and interest in the individual. The contribution of the early modern period: childhood was discovered again during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, c. john somervile. The eighteenth century: locke, rousseau and the early romantics: eighteenth century thinkers asserted that children are important in their own right, rather than being merely imperfect adults. In the us after 1750 portraits displayed children as playful and immature. Innocent: pure/purity, vulnerable, dependent, naive, lacking experience, gullible, carefree, playful.