EECS 1520 Study Guide - Final Guide: Eniac, Joseph Marie Jacquard, Jack Kilby

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EECS 1520 Full Course Notes
EECS 1520 Full Course Notes
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Origins of digital computers: earliest computing device was designed to aid numeric computation, abacus: a finger-powered pocket calculator that was first developed in babylonia over 5000 years ago and still used today. Early calculating machines: wilhelm schickard (1592-1635): invented a mechanical calculator, blaise pascal (1623-1662): decimal calculator which could add/subtract via turning dials, g. w. f. liebniz (1646-(cid:1005)(cid:1011)(cid:1005)(cid:1010)(cid:895): (cid:862) tepped re(cid:272)ko(cid:374)e(cid:396)(cid:863), full-featured calculator, (liebniz wheel for multiplication) Joseph marie jacquard used punch cards to define complex patterns, woven into textiles: punch cards were later used to code computer programs. Wo(cid:396)ld"s fi(cid:396)st p(cid:396)og(cid:396)a(cid:373)(cid:373)e(cid:396): ada lo(cid:448)ela(cid:272)e: daughter of lord byron, wrote programs for the difference engine (first programmer, wrote a program for the analytical engine to calculate bernoulli numbers, a mathematical sequence for representing trigonometric functions. Ba(cid:271)(cid:271)age"s lega(cid:272)(cid:455): designed the first general-purpose digital computing device, ideas were ahead of his time, first completed difference engine was completed in london, 2002, contains 8000 parts, weighs 5 tons, 11 feet long.