[EECS 1520] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (44 pages long)

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EECS 1520 Full Course Notes
EECS 1520 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

History of computing: ancient history up to 1930. Used in babylonia and some parts of the world still in use. Earliest computing device designed to aid in calc. China 3000 years ago computing wooden structure (gears, levers) did complex calc: was called the south pointed chariot. Greek island 2000 years ago machine for astronomical calc. More machines for science, like trig and log: leibniz. More advanced than others: jacquard loom. Used punch cards which produced patterns in the textile: used like a binary code. This idea carried on in the digital world: charles babbage. Was ahead of his time: couldn"t get people to invest, was just paper ideas. Difference engine: calculated polynomails, used punch card idea, thus programable. Analytical engine: more sophisticated and needed power source (which was a steam engine at the time) In london later on they built the engine (analytic: in 2002, 8000parts, 5 tons and very large, ada lovelace.