ECON 2710- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 34 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Pol327 international systems - 3 different world systems. International system- 3 types of world system: multiporal system: # of different great powers competing for security by trying to enhance their own power = creation of alliances = balance of power = stability. Morgenthau- multiplicity for dealing with an aggressive power, alliances to form power constellations = minimize warfare. Roman- incorporate everything into on political and economic structure. French- ideology, awareness of liberty, eventually colonies became part of franc. British- no incorporation but build profitable relations by making colonies dependent on britain. Us economy down; decrease of infrastructure, military expansion diminishes security. Many people who need to change their exercise behaviour require the help of professionals who understand how to help them successfully. Prescribing exercises is the first part, helping people adhere and comply with the recommendations is the second part. Exercise decreases the risk of diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, obesity and cardiovascular disease, and improves mental health.