CRIM 3655 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Interpol, Neoliberalism, Victims Family

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10 Nov 2015

Document Summary

The institution of peacekeeping is itself a form of global governance - a means of bringing order to conflicts that affect the international community. Police authorities are different across the world. peacekeeping and international policing have two aspects. One aspect involves individuals, groups, and states directing the employment of security organisations in their own interests. The other involves collective action in the public interest, defined as the shared common interest of all actors. Military peacekeeping and international policing are connected and evolving. They routinely involve all three security organisations described above (police, paramilitary, and military forces) The un and nato have sometimes authorised international action without the consent of the policed communities. There have been more than 70 peacekeeping and international policing missions authorised by the un and regional security arrangements since 1947. More than fifty un and regional missions have included a civil police component.