[CRIM 2652] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (29 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Crim 2652 lecture 02 understanding canadian criminal justice i (2) 6 themes of the course (issues around the cjs and how to understand the system, police interaction): Society is wrapped around a core value of a consensus, what is acceptable vs. what isn"t. These values are contained and reproduced in society by punishing criminals through the administration of the cjs and criminal law. The focus of this perspective is on criminal acts, not the reactions to these crimes. Moral defenses such as prostitution, gambling are wrong, and there is more conflict around the drug and sex trade. Criminal legislation changes over time and place revealing the extend to which the criminal acts are defined for reasons other than its notion for being just defined as. Crimes are a reflections of acts that are inherently wrong. The conflict model starts to shed an important value in life, there is far less assumed consensus in social values.