CRIM 2650 Midterm: CRIM 2650 Theories Midterm Review

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18 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Basic principles: (assumption) human beings are all equal and have the free will and ability to rationally calculate the costs and benefits of their criminal actions and are competitive. 17th century used to be cruel and harsh. The assumption of criminals as rational, calculating and equal beings (everyone isn"t equal) and equality wouldn"t be achieved by just assuming everyone is equal neo-classical class struggles. Not everyone is rational (children, mental illness) Many crimes are unplanned and not rationally thought out (street crimes, murders) Not everyone is educated about the system; do not know about crimes and punishments coded in legal system. Not interested in tackling the root cause of crimes such as poverty, and lack of education and access to it inequality in practice of enlightenment only had limited success in eradicating equality, privileged class. Access to better legal advice for wealthy individual b/c they are more privileged in the cjs.